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Joining The Welsh Group
New membership application information:
The Welsh Group welcomes applications from professional artists of any race, ethnicity, gender or sexuality, based in Wales. Conditions of membership are that all members pay the annual subscription (currently £60) on time and exhibit regularly with the Group. It is expected that members will attend the AGM and participate in the running of the Group and/or help organising exhibitions.
Artists wishing to join the Welsh Group should contact the Secretary via the contact form on this website. They will then be requested to send the following information by the end of January:
• Up-to-date CV
• 6-10 digital images (jpegs each approx. 1MB in size) of their work
• Information on where members can see the candidate’s actual artwork.
The election of new members is by secret ballot at the Annual General Meeting (which usually takes place in May). A two-thirds majority of votes secures membership. Every member has the opportunity to vote, including advanced postal/email votes for those not attending the AGM.